Consumer Rights Protection Forum INDIA

Our mission is getting awareness in the public about the Consumer rights in India through this below activities:
Conducting seminars and discussions on important consumer issues throughout the Country
- To aware the consumers against the unfair or restrictive trade practices and deficiencies and defects in Goods and Services in related all sectors throughout India.
- To try to solve the all kinds of the consumer related issues/problems through the related authorities by proper approach or counseling to both or among the parties.
- Collect donations from donors to work for the consumer awareness throughout India.
- Through the organization implement and operate the various consumer related schemes of Central and State governments.
- To arrange print and publish magazines, newsletters, brochures, Pamphlets, journals and Books e.t.c.
- To provide scholarships to needy students to their educational support with the support of willful persons.
- Conducting consumer empowerment seminars
- Against unfair service of doctors, hospitals &medical treatments: Doctors often treat patients carelessly, as they may be well organized & money minded. Encouraging patients to do unwanted and unscientific pathology as well as radiological tests is quite possible. Thus the Association conducts consumer empowerment discussions, focusing on prohibited, expired and unwanted steroid medicine sales which not only exploit but also loot the public.
- Against unfair service of Telecom services: Network conjunction, hidden charges, roaming charges for SMS, plan activation charges, call drops, coverage failure etc.
- Against unfair practices of educational institutions: Conducting courses without the proper government recognitions.
- Against unfair service of Indian Railways: Majority of the trains run late. Day time sleeper class passengers are not given seats. Tatkal tickets are also not assured.
- Against inefficient service of Legal Metrology: Auto meter calibration is one of the most important functions of the department for which they are unable to meet the demand, resulting in the mistreatment of consumers throughout the state.
- Against unfair trade of domestic appliances: MRP exploitation, useless warrantees, after-sale services are very poor. Guarantees are required, not warrantees.
- Against unfair trade in the sale of food & beverages: Pesticide contamination above the permitted level in all soft drinks. Coca Cola, Pepsi and other multinational soft drink companies are to be prohibited. The govt. should fix the permitted level of pesticide contamination.
- Against unfair service of water supply: Polluted water, meters requiring frequent repairs, charging excessive bills without regular reading are all prevalent problems.
- Against unfair service of electricity: Interrupted power supply, voltage variations, meter rent, billing mistakes. charging excessive bills without regular reading
- Against unfair service of insurance on delay in claims settlement and trivial reasons like spelling mistakes, signature variations, nominee not being mentioned etc. and
- Against unfair service of credit card providers
Our role:
The advertisements pertaining to goods and services in Television, News papers, and Magazines influence the demand for the same by the Consumers though there may be manufacturing defects, imperfections or short comings in quality, quantity and purity of the goods or services.
Our CRPFI in this field can empower the public through their awareness creation and educational programmes , with their Web Channel, YouTube Channel newsletters , and publications of books etc . Also we bring the issues of such service deficiencies and imperfections before the Government authorities and corrective steps can be taken or insist upon the government to prevent the sales of such products or services and safeguard the consumers from exploitations.
The Consumer Rights protection Forum (CRPFI) in this field is playing a pivotal role by doing these noble services towards the welfare of the consumer’s community. Considering their role in consumer protection, the framers of the Act, included them in Section 2 (b) (ii ) of CPA- 1986. Hence we can represent before the Forum or Commissions on behalf of the Consumers.
Also they are nominated to Consumer Protection Councils at District, State and National level and various advisory as well as recommendatory committees constituted by different departments to ensure consumer welfare.
The establishment of Consumer Councils in Chapter ll section 4 to 8 (a) & 8(b) of CPA-1986:
The Consumer Protection Act- 1986 seeks to provide better protection of the Consumer interest . For this purpose the establishment of Consumer Councils in Chapter ll section 4 to 8 (a) & 8(b) and grievance redressal system for settlement of Consumer disputes in section 9 to 27 a in Chapter lll are incorporated in the Act-1986.
Six Rights including the Right for Consumer Education are provided in the Act .( Right to Safety, Choice , Information , Redressal , Representation and Consumer Education are the Rights).
The essentiality of the Act in the beginning: The industrial revolution and the development in the international trade and commerce have led to the vast expansion of business, trade & services. As a result a variety of consumer goods have appeared in the market to cater to the needs of the consumers.
The advertisements of goods and services in television, news paper & magazines influence the demands by the consumers though there may be manufacturing defects, on the goods with poor quality, quantity & purity. For stringent action against the adulterated and sub-standard products even through different enactments have been made years before. But they were expensive and time consuming to the laymen consumers.
The Consumer Protection Act-1986
As a result of the collective thoughts of our Parliamentarians to protect and safeguard the consumers from exploitation and to save them from adulterated and sub-standard goods & services the Consumer Protection Act- 1986 was enacted by both the Houses of the Parliament and received the assent of the President of India on 24th December 1986 .